Once upon a time you excitedly launched your business. You were totally ON FIRE about what you were doing! Then one day you found yourself drowning in to-do lists, unable to get your head above water. So you contemplated throwing in the towel.




This familiar tale resonates with entrepreneurs because EVERYONE gets to the point where he/she needs to get help. (It’s not just YOU.)

So what to do?

Most people start by hiring someone to do individual tasks (website design, accounting, etc.). They find that doing so may lighten the load a bit, but what about the big picture? It’s hard to run a business if you do not have a clear map of where you are going and what to do to get you there.

So next, many people contemplate hiring a business coach, but this seems a bit nebulous. What does a coach actually do? Yet I am a consultant. How is that different than a coach?

Let’s address all of that!


What is the difference between a Coach and a Consultant?

Coaching and consulting are two sides of the same coin, so ideally you would hire both to help you stay on course. Since these two terms are used interchangeably, let’s clarify what roles they may play in your business.

This will also clarify what it is that Agile Mindset Consulting does and help you decide who is the right help to hire for your business.


What does a Business Coach do?

Coaching is designed to keep you moving toward your goals and dreams. A coach will encourage you and help you draw the answers out of yourself, rather than give you solutions. The focus is on the “bigger picture” of what you want to create in your life and business, as well as, professional and personal development.


Some things you may work on with a Business Coach:
  • Clarity of vision, purpose
  • Goal setting
  • Accountability to your goals and tasks
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • The ability to focus/reduce distractions and overwhelm
  • Lack of motivation
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Reducing self-sabotage/limiting beliefs/fear
  • Structure/time management
  • Work-Life balance
  • Overcoming comparison, setbacks, and negative feedback


What does a Business Consultant do?

A business consultant will help you create and implement strategic solutions for your business. He or she will give you advice, teach you new skills, brainstorm to produce practical results, and enhance your critical thinking.


Some things you may work on with a Business Consultant:
  • Creating a Business Plan
  • Writing a Vision Statement and Business Roadmap
  • Ideal customer development
  • Developing product/service offering(s) and pricing
  • Marketing and content creation
  • Systems for running your business
  • Customer experience development/management
  • Task management and delegation
  • Hiring employees/contractors
  • Employee/contractor management
  • Problem solving and decision-making skills
  • Project management skills.


What kind of help do Agile Mindset Consulting clients receive?

Since I am an analyzer and love solving problems, I offer strategic business solutions and teach you how to implement items from the business consultant list above.

Before we can work on and implement strategy, though, we need to make sure that your goals are clear and the right mindset is there.The great thing about the Agile framework is that it has a built-in coaching relationship. It allows for active listening and reflection, encouragement for quick and efficient pivoting, as well as, high-level accountability for implementing your action items.

By hiring Agile Mindset, you actually get the best of both of worlds!

So let’s change your story:

Once upon a time you excitedly launched your business. You were totally ON FIRE about what you were doing! Then one day you found yourself drowning in to-do lists, unable to get your head above water. So you hired a consultant and you were finally able to achieve the business and life of your dreams.

Simply click here right now!
