A career change is a big decision.  One that can cause a lot of stress.


After realizing your current career is not for you, you might be afraid of making another “mistake.”

Or maybe you love your career and are ready to take on a bigger challenge. What new skills and certifications do you need? How do you make a major overhaul of your resume and professional brand?


Both situations can lead to analysis paralysis.


The one thing I know, however, is that taking a step, even a small one, can create momentum.

And many small steps forward will lead to that ultimate goal: a new career.

That is how I did it. I started out as a Science teacher and eventually turned myself into entrepreneur + Scrum Master.

While my many pivots were not part of a “plan” to become an Agile Scrum Master, over the years I have collected skills across industries and companies to ultimately land that job.


But what is a Scrum Master you might ask?

It’s a project management-type job that experience and upskilling will help you get.

You may not have heard of it because it’s not a job that you can get a degree for (yet?). And I bring this up because this is the way things are going with the working world: you need to bring together a number of skills and educational experiences to get a new job.

Because job requirements and the skills needed for them are in constant flux. The ones expected of you 5 years from now don’t even exist yet.

You need to realize where jobs are headed and continuous upskill to land in the right place at the right time.


So why choose Agile in your pivot?

Simply put, Agile is a way of doing work. Companies across the globe are using it to become more efficient, stay ahead of the competition, and quickly change when customers want something new.

And it is increasingly becoming a skillset that employers in all industries are asking for in job candidates. The new roles they are hiring for, such as a Scrum Master, require these skills.


Not only does Agile help companies manage their projects, but it helps employees manage their work too.

Agile helps me organize all the hats I wear and manage them without so much overwhelm. Because I am agile, it helped me do my previous job, search for and land new job, PLUS manage a business at the same time – much more effectively.

It has changed my mindset and way that I approach anything and that makes me stand out as a human being.

But don’t take my word for it. Come check out my Agile workshop and you can see for yourself. In it, we will discuss:

  • What is the hype about Agile?
  • How does it work?
  • How can I gain these skills?
  • What industries and companies can I land a job in?
  • What does it take to break into it?


Let go of some of your career unknowns and make an informed decision (instead of crossing your fingers and hoping) about your next step. Join us today by clicking here.