When small business owners ask me what I do as a business consultant, they always follow with something like: “Wow! That is soooo needed!” Then they tell me about all the struggles they have as an entrepreneur.

But, in that same conversation, they will also say to me that they don’t need help. They say they’ve thought about hiring a business coach, maybe they talked to one, but ultimately they already know what they need to do. They can do it themselves, so they don’t need to pay someone to help them do it.

Now, before you think that this upsets me, I must tell you it doesn’t. While there’s so much to address from that conversation (The first being that I am actually NOT a business coach. Check out the differences.), my response is EMPATHY.

Because I totally get it. You see, I tried it on my own. I made all of those excuses. And got nowhere.

So let’s address those excuses. Because EVERYONE makes them.


Top 3 Reasons You (Say You) Don’t Need a Business Consultant


1. Why pay someone when you can do it yourself?

Great question. So why are you NOT doing it then? I say this because it is a serious thing that you really need to ask yourself. And please be honest because your business, livelihood, and your family depend on that answer.

We may be able to Google a solution to every question imaginable, but when you do “research,” one of two things happens: you get even more confused because you are inundated with everyone’s contradictory opinions OR you just end up in an echo chamber of “You can just do it all yourself” because everyone is out there selling their “quick and easy” way that you can DYI.

So ask yourself: “Do I have the ability to do it all?” Then listen closely to your answer.


2. You don’t want to spend the money (AKA I am afraid to spend the money).

Hiring help is not about recklessly spending; it is about spending money on things that will actually end up making you more money. 

What would it change for you if you could calm down the chaos and focus on doing the things that actually bring in more cash flow? A consultant will help you do just that. You can create systems, stream line your processes to become more efficient and finally! focus on the things that are actual billable hours.

AND, drumroll please…..The REAL reason you don’t:


3. You are scared, overwhelmed and confused about getting help. (AKA You don’t want someone telling you that you are a terrible entrepreneur.) 

Some people’s eyes get really big when I tell them I will look at their business A-Z and we will fix what needs to be fixed. I see the panic welling up with the thought of opening up their “stuff” to someone else. But isn’t that what people want though? To fix their problems?

But, if it makes you feel any better, Every successful entrepreneur has AND will admit that they have made (and learned from) some pretty serious mess-ups. Starting and growing a business is one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life. The idea that you can just create a website in 30 minutes and the floodgates of moolah will open is not how it happens. Ever. It takes a whole lot more than that.

Even though it appears like it should be easy-peasy, it is SUPER FREAKIN’ HARD. And most time people just can’t put their finger on why.

To start to get an idea of why, though, you can use the Rock-Solid Business Foundation essential checklist. If you don’t have it, get it below. You can use it to see what you already have in place and what you still need to do to get your business going. This cheatsheet is a total game changer.


business foundation checklist


Do you need a Business Consultant? Do you want to get help on this list right now? I’m just one click away.
